Famous Volos

We spent last night in Volos after taking a gray and rainy ferry ride from the island. Despite the weather conditions (the ship couldn't even stop at one of its usual piers because of waves), it was still attractive, sort of akin to the mountainy Pacific Northwest in mist and drizzle. Volos is famous for... I'm sure I don't need to tell you why.... but for those who don't know, it's in the Guinness Book of World Records for the most people to ever dance the Syrtaki... 5,641 people! The second place city is now a distant memory. I bet you can't even name that loser town!  If the Syrtaki dance doesn't ring a bell though, it's also where Jason and the Argonauts began their epic adventure.

We are now in Thessaloniki after an easy bus ride and a taxi ride with a cabbie kept in constant laughter as Sam used Google translate to talk with him.  Despite all the laughter he understood what she was saying!

The bottom of this plaque says "5,641 people participated
 in the achievement of the longest Syrtaki dance ever."

Replica of the Argo (not sure how historically accurate)

View of Skopelos from the ferry
Departing Alonissos